Robert Fico, Slovakia’s former Prime Minister, and his SMER-SSD party set to sign a coalition agreement in hopes of forming a new government.


Under this coalition with Fico is Peter Pellegrini, the head of the left-wing party HLAS, and the ultra-nationalist, pro-Russian Slovak National Party.


By affirming a deal with three other Slovakian party leaders, Fico is now able to govern by coalition with a majority.


What Does This Mean for Slovakia?


Fico has previously campaigned on a pro-Russian and anti-American message in addition to guaranteeing to withdraw Slovakia’s military support for Ukraine and reject mass migration policies.


Whilst wanting “full respect” for his country’s sovereignty he has previously said that he wants the state to remain a member of the EU and NATO, despite the suspected strain it would place on the fragile unity within the organisations.


Focusing on the war in Ukraine, a poll taken in March 2023 presented that Slovaks were becoming progressively uncomfortable with governmental support of Ukrainians fleeing the war. Statistics show that 44% of respondents believed that Ukrainians were making life in Slovakia worse due to the happenings of the war.


Slovakian citizen, Radovan, emphasises Fico’s movement to stop aid for Ukraine by stating that “we will solve our own problems and you (Ukraine) should do the same” emphasising on the discontent various citizens hold towards the support for Ukraine.



Global Response:


The world is now left questioning ‘should the West be concerned about the new Slovakian multi-party government?’.


Political analysts suggest a reason that the West has justified intentions to pay close attention to the state’s political developments due to the significant shift in foreign policy and anti-American attitude Fico is publicly expressing.


Sara Dillon, took to social media to display her confusion on “how such governments (Slovakia) can continue to enjoy the benefits of the EU membership” after the emergence of the new government question “why don’t they just go back under the control of their “dear friends” in Moscow?”.


Michal Šmiečka, Progressive Slovakia leader and deputy president of the European Parliament states that Fico’s coalition party is “bad news for Slovakia” determining the EU’s views on the new governmental emergence. Continuing to say “we (EU) will do everything… so that Robert Fico does not rule in Slovakia”.