Capturing conflict has never been easy. There's something about war photography that conventional subjects can't seem to capture. This isn’t  because they're better or worse, but simply because the photographers risk their lives for a picture, and have  such passion and love for what they do. War images possess an immense ability to convey powerful but raw emotions, experiences and hard realities.

Robert Capa: Mejor cuanto más cerca | Le Miau Noir

Throughout the years, the role of photography is crucial in shaping our perception of the world. It has an immense influence in the documentation of conflicts and wars. 

With that being said, the world of war photography was forever changed with a rediscovery of a lost Mexican suitcase that held a collection of 4,500 35mm negatives, capturing chaotic events of The Spanish Civil War.

The suitcase, considered lost since 1939, contained an archive of renowned photographers such as Robert Capa, Gerda Taro,  and David Seymour; it sheds  light on a controversial moment in history. The suitcase as a concept holds historical significance, making an impact on the world of photojournalism; it also served as a testing ground for political ideologies, and it attracted the attention of international photojournalists seeking to document the conflict.

Robert Capa, el fotógrafo que marcó el pulso de la historia visual del  siglo XX - InfobaeRobert Capa - Profesor de fotografía

The work of these photographers is invaluable; they provided a visual narrative of what many of us have never vividly experienced in war. The war, seen as a frontline against the rising of fascism in Europe, stirred the passions of leftist intellectuals and artists who contributed vivid images and texts supporting the Democratic cause.

Speaking of unexpected plot twists, the negatives were found in the unlikeliest of places – Mexico City.  The discovery was a watershed moment for historians, photographers, and the public alike. The collection, known as the "Mexican Suitcase," contained thousands of negatives that had been presumed lost for over half a century. The story behind the suitcase's journey from Spain to Mexico remains a fascinating tale of resilience and preservation.

The Mystery Of The Mexican Suitcase: A Trove Of Unseen Photos : The Picture  Show : NPR

Between 1936 and 1940, the negatives traveled through various hands for safekeeping; they ultimately found  their way to Mexico City where they resurfaced in 2007.  Beforehand, the negatives were sent to Paris for processing, but they mysteriously disappeared during the chaos of World War II. For decades, the fate of these negatives remained unknown, leaving a void in the historical record of the Spanish Civil War.

The recovery of the archive had a profound impact on the world of photojournalism. It emphasized the importance of preserving historical records and showcased the enduring power of visual storytelling, especially about war. The images captured by Capa, Taro, and Seymour continue to be studied and exhibited worldwide, reminding us of the crucial role that photojournalism plays in shaping our understanding of the past.

The Mexican Suitcase | International Center of Photography

Museums and galleries showcased the images, allowing audiences to be captivated by evocative photographs that had been lost in history. The collection, curated by ICP assistant curator Cynthia Young,  is currently on display at the International Center of Photography in Manhattan. This exhibition provides a unique opportunity to witness the foundations of modern war and serves as a testament to the resilience of art and the enduring impact of visual storytelling.

As we continue to explore and appreciate the legacy of the Mexican Suitcase, we are reminded of the profound impact that photojournalism can have in shaping our collective memory. With the introduction of the small Leica camera, photographers could move easily, capturing dynamic action on the front lines. The Mexican Suitcase not only documents the evolution of war photography, but it also provides unseen perspectives and  insights into their creative process and the detailed thought behind each frame.The photographs in the Mexican Suitcase serve as legacy narrating stories of passion, bravery, and the constant pursuit of truth. These three photographers were not just objective journalists; they were advocates for change. 

The Mexican Suitcase | International Center of PhotographyThe Fascinating Story of The Mexican Suitcase - The Orms Photographic Blog