The gender pay gap in Germany has stayed at 18 percent since 2020, due to dwindling earnings after having children and increased part-time work. Though the percentage decreased from 23 percent in 2006, women in Europe’s la are still paid less than their male counterparts. 


According to the Federal Statistical Office, women received an average of 20.84 euros per hour, 4.46 euros less than the gross hourly earnings of men (25.30 euros). Comparatively, there is a stark difference between West and East Germany. In the East, the gender pay gap was 7 percent while it was at 19 percent in the West.


After women turn 30, the gender pay gap increases drastically. According to German news channel Die Tagesschau, women tend to become mothers around the age of 30, and from this point onward, their gross hourly earnings tend to plateau. Meanwhile, men experience a continual increase in earnings as they age. 


The Federal Statistical Office suggests that this disparity may be attributed to women often interrupting their careers or working part-time for family reasons, resulting in fewer opportunities for career advancement and wage increases. 


Approximately 64 percent of the earnings gap between men and women can be attributed to specific characteristics, such as differences in sectors, professions, and skill levels. Statisticians note that women often work in lower-paying fields and are more likely to be in part-time or marginal employment, resulting in lower gross hourly earnings. 


The remaining 36 percent of the earnings difference are unexplained by available characteristics, which translates to a six percent adjusted wage gap. Even with similar jobs, qualifications, and employment histories, female employees earn six percent less per hour than their male counterparts. The statisticians suggest that the gap might be smaller if additional information, such as details about career interruptions due to pregnancy, childbirth, or caregiving, were considered in the analysis.


The gender pay gap persists across Europe where women continue to earn 13% less than their male counterparts. The European Commission set out a plan to close the gap by 2025 in 2020 but progress has been slow.