India's president stated that "This cannot be an era of war ". For years, Taiwan was excluded from the Ukrainian security conference. This year Vincent Chao the only Taiwanese attendee of the Munich security conference says that people must help Taiwan. The Taiwanese people must not face the fate as the Ukrainian people. Vincent Chao, former advisor to the Taiwanese president requests people from all over the world to help Taiwan. He has requested for timely delivery of weapons to Taiwan. They are afraid of the huge weapons collection of the United States.


 Even if they have high-end precision weaponry they are still afraid. Taiwan's defence scenario needs a constant supply of weapons so that they do not need to fear the United States. Himars are such high-end weaponry which this Taiwanese man has requested for. He thinks that they should sit down together and have a talk with the United States of America about weaponry. Their supply of weapons is subject to delay and he has requested a supply of weaponry so that if there is a war they will not be so fearful of the United States of America and the other stakeholders. 


Politicians, military officers and diplomats gathered in Munich on Friday to discuss Europe's security over the Russian invasion. Debates are on whether Europe should be built up its army capacity and not rely on the U.S.A . Delegates to the Munich conference to discuss diplomacy and defence matter. War issues that were discussed are from food prices to energy supply. The Russia-Ukraine crisis is the most important topic which was discussed at the conference. 


The delegates discussed how much governments should spend on defence. U.S.A warns Vladimir Putin over Ukraine-Russia war. An increase in the price of food items has led to harassment among people all over the World. India's external affairs minister S.Jaishankar clearly stated that "India is on the side of peace and will remain firm about that." India wants the war to end and has actively advocated for that at the conference. He addressed that the price of fuel, food and fertilizers have increased and he clearly stated that India wants peace.


China is suspected to give weapons and ammunition to Russia as said by the U.S. secretory Anthony Blinken. Many Chinese companies are suspected to have provided weaponry to Russia. This Ukraine-Russia war has led to many deaths and is responsible for the turmoil in the economy of the world. He said that the U.S. believes that China has provided weaponry to Russia. Relations between Bejing and Washington were already poor and now the relationship has worsened further. Russia is trying to attack the eastern region of Ukraine and this is the fiercest attack of the entire war.