The head of the Catholic Church and the Bishop of Rome, Pope Francis, age 86, will stay in a hospital for a few days due to a respiratory infection.
The statement was made hours after the Pope was taken to the hospital. Vatican Spokesperson Matteo said that for the past few days, “Pope Francis lamented some respiratory difficulties and was taken to Gemelli Hospital for a "medical check.”
The statement also said Pope Francis had no issue with COVID-19.
During the early hours of the day on 29 March, Pope Francis remained in exemplary health as he attended and appeared at the Vatican for his weekly general audience. Furthermore, on Twitter Pope Francis established how “we must never forget the moment and way God enters into our lives, treasuring in our hearts and minds that encounter Grace that enkindles faith in our hearts and sparks zeal for the Gospel within us”
Upon hearing that the Pope had gone in for a check, a TV interview he was scheduled to participate in that afternoon was canceled.
Although the Pope will stay in hospital for a few days, Pope Francis has dealt with health issues for years.
In 2021 Pope Francis had an operation to remove part of his colon at Gemelli Hospital. Pope Francis suffers from diverticulitis which affects his colon. Along with suffering from diverticulitis, Pope Francis has also started appearing in public with a cane and wheelchair due to knee problems.
The knee problem the Pope had for years led to trips being canceled. Last July, Pope Francis had to cancel a trip to South Sudan. However, the trips that Pope Francis managed to attend were with a cane or wheelchair, for instance, in Canada Pope Francis attended using a wheelchair.
During an interview with the Spanish newspaper ABC, Pope Francis revealed that in 2013 he wrote a resignation letter. He explained if his health affects his ability to perform his duties as pope, he will resign as a result. Pope Francis has been the Catholic Church's head and Rome's bishop since 2013.
So far no resignation has been made, leaving Pope Francis with a long list of events to attend over Easter. These events start with 2 April - Palm Sunday at Papal Mass and finishing with 10 April - Easter Monday at Pasquetta in St Peter’s Square.