In simple terms, the Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) Program is a process through which members of armed forces and groups are supported to lay down their weapons and return to civilian life. DDR is an essential part of the peace-building process conducted in conflict areas. An effective DDR program is vital for post-conflict societies as it is a pivotal mechanism in promoting peace and stability. By disarming combatants and removing them from the conflict equation, DDR programs help diminish the likelihood of further violence, contributing significantly to the peacebuilding process. 

Contrary to popular belief, women play multifaceted roles within conflicts, assuming positions as 1, Beneficiaries, wherein they benefit from armed conflicts through access to resources, protection, or other advantages, 2, Combatants by actively engaging in armed conflict as direct participants, wielding arms and taking part in military operations, 3, Dependents - women who are integral to the support structure of combatants, often serving as part of the households of ex-combatants, and 4, Supporters, contributing to conflicts through supportive roles, either voluntarily or by coercion. These roles encompass tasks like cooking, nursing, espionage, and engaging in activities such as providing sexual services. Therefore, it is imperative that DDR programs also address the specific challenges faced by women ex-combatants.

 Although DDR programs aim to integrate women participants, they often encounter significant obstacles that deter female involvement. These challenges range from societal stigma to logistical barriers, hindering effective inclusion and participation. Women often experience fear and reluctance to disclose their status as former child soldiers, leading them to avoid participating in DDR programs. There's a pervasive belief among females that acknowledging their past involvement in armed conflict will result in increased social exclusion within their communities. This fear of stigma and ostracism discourages them from registering for DDR initiatives. Additionally, a lack of awareness about available programs further compounds this stigma. Women who are unaware of DDR opportunities are consequently left out, as they perceive that their specific needs will not be adequately addressed during the reintegration process. For instance, concerns about safety and potential sexual abuse often deter women from participating in mixed-gender transition centres. Moreover, survivors of sexual abuse may resist engaging in DDR programs due to the fear of being labelled as "bad" women, further perpetuating their reluctance to seek support and assistance.

Given the diversity of functions that women perform in conflict-affected contexts, promoting gender-responsive DDR at all stages is crucial for the success and sustainability of interventions. This entails creating a protective environment, granting access to benefits, and ensuring women’s meaningful participation in DDR initiatives' assessment, design, and implementation.

DDR processes should be guided by in-depth gender analysis and the collection of sex and age-disaggregated data as means to assess needs, develop targeted, evidence-based interventions, and promote women’s meaningful participation. Promoting gender mainstreaming within state institutions- As recommended by Senior Defence Officer Lieutenant-Colonel Bintou Maiga: i) Conduct gender-sensitive conflict analysis, ii) Consult regularly and extensively with women, iii) Rely on communities during the implementation phase, iv) Involve women ex-combatants in DDR sensitisation programmes, v) Ensure that awareness-raising efforts reach women ex-combatants, and vi) Share experiences and advocate for policy and strategies.

DDR programs, while aiming for inclusive support, often overlook the unique challenges women face, such as social stigma, safety concerns, and limited awareness. To effectively reintegrate women into society, DDR initiatives must be tailored to their needs. This involves creating safe spaces, raising awareness about available resources, and actively involving women in program design and implementation. Gender-responsive DDR promotes equality and enhances the success of post-conflict reconstruction. By prioritising women's inclusion and empowerment, DDR programs can build a more peaceful and prosperous future for all those who are affected by conflict.