A new study published in the Pediatrics Journal indicates that the autism rates have tripled among children in the New York and New Jersey Metropolitan area between 2000 and 2016. 

A team from Rutgers University conducted research using data from a public health active surveillance system and from multiple cycles that were able to identify autism among 8-years-olds.During the 16-year period, autism prevalence estimates increased from approximately 1% in 2000 to 3% in 2016 in New York and New Jersey.The results show that 4,661 8-years-olds were identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). 32.3% of the children had ASD with intellectual disability while 59.3% were ASD without intellectual disability.




According to the study, distinguishing between children with and without intellectual disability (ID) is critical for educational advancement and improved health planning. Children identified with Autism without an ID had two times the faster growth of the condition compared with children with Autism and ID.Other points in the study demonstrate that Non-Hispanic Black children were 30% less likely to have Autism without ID than Non-Hispanic white children.



Furthermore, ASD prevalence data have increased from 6.7 per 1,000 children aged 8 at the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring network. According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, Autism Spectrum Disorder is a developmental disability that can cause a wide range of challenges in social interaction, communication and behavior. Data and research from the American Academy of Autism has demonstrated that autism rates are increasing. But why? Studies have advanced a lot and, today, it is possible to differentiate many aspects around the ASD, some of them indicate that genetics is decisive in most cases.


Additionally, parents who have already had a child diagnosed with ASD have a 2 to 8% chance of having a second child with ASD. Furthermore, children born to older parents are at a higher chance of developing autism. Experts believe that the earlier the diagnosis, the sooner it is possible for parents to make the right interventions. Autism can cause behaviors that are often misunderstood by the social environment. Applied Behavior analysis is a positive option for parents that can help them take care of their autistic children and help the child to better understand their condition.


For example, according to the Autism Speaks organization, which is the biggest autism advocacy in the United States, 40 percent of autistic people are nonverbal. This illness caninduce persistent sleep issues as well as anxiety disorders. As a result, the Autism Spectrum may have an impact on many aspects of daily life, in what way. 


Picture: FeeLoona / Pixabay