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Workers are quitting Tech companies to work for Climate change

The impact of climate change has become a critical issue during the past few years. Within the past few years, the negative impact on the environment has rapidly increased and caused a change in regular climate weather. As a result of the damaging impact on the environment, many people working in major tech companies have decided to leave their well-paying jobs to make a stand.

Instead of continuing at their high-paying jobs with multiple perks and financial benefits, these people have decided it would better suit their morals to instead work for a company or organization that aims to help tackle the issue of climate change. 

CNBC recently decided to speak to those people and reported back on what they said regarding their motivations and reasonings. 

One example of a person who decided to leave their tech job was Sandy Anuras. Anuras currently works as a chief technology officer at Sunrun, a company that deals with providing solar energy systems. According to Anuras, she believed that the main attractive feature of working at a big tech company was all the financial benefits and perks. However, she says it’s only been recent that people are understanding how little these companies appear to care about important issues over money. 

Anuras constantly asked herself “What bigger problem is there to solve for our generation than climate change?”. Previous to her current role, she used to work at Expedia, the only travel company. However, she desired to create a bigger change and work for a company that prioritizes democracy first. Thus, she actively expressed her desire to instead work for a company that aims to play a hand in helping the environment. 

Another example of a person in a similar situation was Tom Melendez, who used to previously work at Google. Melendez now currently works at MethaneSAT, a company whose mission is to research how global methane can tackle climate change. 

According to Melendez, he did enjoy his work at Google. However, as time passed he felt as if the only benefit he was gaining was money, he contributed nothing else to society nor did the company contribute anything other than money to him. Since then, he’s decided to leave his role at Google, a major corporation that many dreams to work at. He now instead focuses on working to make the environment a better place for his kids and the future generation. 

Since it seems like many people are making the switch from working at tech companies to companies and organizations that deal with helping the environment, there have emerged many resources to help with the change. One example is Work On Climate, which focuses on helping people find jobs in climate. 

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