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4 Things You Must Eat To Enhance Your Immunity This Winter

It is crucial to consume immunity-boosting meals throughout the winter to ensure that our body produces more white blood cells and fights off various infections. Our eating tastes also tend to change as winter approaches. We seek warm soups, stews, and calming herbal teas more frequently than juices, salads, and shakes. We are more likely to eat deep-fried, junk food and sugary foods during the colder months because our bodies must work harder to generate heat to stay warm. 


Our bodies are less effective at battling viruses and bacteria throughout the winter, which increases our risk of contracting illnesses like the flu, Covid-19, and respiratory infections, among others. To shield our bodies from various winter ailments, it's critical to provide them with the proper nutrition. A combination of citrus fruits, protein-rich foods, different winter herbs, and spices can help in protecting us from numerous illnesses during the winter. 


According to studies, our immune systems are primarily impacted by bad lifestyle choices such as poor eating habits, inactivity, lack of sleep, and demanding jobs. Additionally, it is affected by weather changes. Our immune systems, however, typically struggle in the cold. The body gets sleepy and sluggish due to the cozy and windy weather, which causes a weak immune system. Numerous viruses, illnesses, and allergies are also brought on by winter. 


To be more robust, healthier, and more active to enjoy the chilly weather, it is crucial to focus more on immunity-boosting meals that raise our white blood cells and prepare more antigens in the body to combat numerous illnesses.


The following items are advised for your winter diet to pack a nutritional punch: 


Black Pepper 

The most potent spice, black pepper, provides a variety of health advantages. It is also referred to as "black gold" because, in addition to flavoring food, it also functions as a preservative and raises body temperature. It also improves the body's white blood cells, strengthening the immune system. One of the many constituents of this potent spice is piperine, which protects cells and improves intestinal health.


Garlic and Ginger 

Combining these two improves the dish's flavors and also helps improve intestinal health because of their potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities. Since the winter season is a breeding ground for several viruses and bacteria, ginger and garlic's antiviral and antibacterial attributes support a robust immune system. 


Poultry and Seafood 

Protein sources like poultry and seafood are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, vitamin B (B6 and B12), and other nutrients which boost the production of Red blood cells and White blood cells in the body, which serve as a protective barrier and fight against infections and viruses while maintaining a high metabolism. 


Citrus Fruits 

Due to the abundance of vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants, minerals, and enzymes, found in all tangy fruits, they help boost our immunity. They help improve digestion by improving gut health, typically composed throughout the winter. Citrus fruit consumption also changes the skin's texture, transforming it from being dry and scaly to being more nourished and smooth.

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