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An Insight into Meghalaya's Matrilineal Society.

Matrilineal social structure is a system in which descent and inheritance are traced through the mother's lineage. In matrilineal societies, the mother's clan or family is the primary social unit, and children belong to their mother's family. The father's role may be less significant, and sometimes he is not even known or acknowledged.

Matrilineal societies have existed in various parts of the world, including details of Africa, India, and Southeast Asia. In these societies, women often hold essential roles in the community and may have more autonomy and decision-making power than in patrilineal societies.

One of the critical features of matrilineal societies is the importance placed on the relationship between a mother and her children. Women may also have a central role in transmitting cultural traditions and beliefs.

Meghalaya, a state in northeastern India, is home to several ethnic communities, each with unique customs and beliefs. One of the most well-known communities in Meghalaya is the Khasi tribe, whose culture is distinctive for its matrilineal social structure. Matrilineal social networks, such as the one found in the Khasi culture, are increasingly relevant in today's world as they challenge and offer an alternative to the patriarchal norms that dominate most societies.

The Khasi tribe has a matrilineal social structure, which means that descent, inheritance, and succession are traced through the female line. This is in contrast to the more common patrilineal social system found in many other societies, where these aspects are traced through the male line. In Khasi society, women are property custodians and have a dominant role in decision-making.

One of the most distinctive aspects of Khasi culture is the practice of you Khnai Khniah, or "the rule of the mother." Under this system, the youngest daughter of a Khasi family inherits the family property and is responsible for looking after her parents in their old age. This practice ensures that the family property remains within the female line and provides security for aging parents.

Another unique aspect of Khasi culture is the role of women in religious ceremonies. In Khasi society, women hold a prominent place in the spiritual hierarchy and are responsible for conducting many essential rituals. For example, during the annual Nongkrem dance festival, the Syiem (traditional Khasi ruler) washes the feet of the "Ka Shnong" (village headman), who then offers a sacrificial goat to the goddess Ka Blei Synshar. The women of the village then dance, symbolizing the renewal of life and the continuity of the community.

One example where Khasi culture proves to be politically influential is in the context of women's political representation. In Khasi society, women are traditionally the custodians of land and property, and they hold significant decision-making power within the family and community. This has translated into a higher level of political representation for women in the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council (KHADC) and the Jaintia Hills Autonomous District Council (JHADC).

For instance, in the 2014 elections for the KHADC, women won 8 out of 29 seats, which is higher than the national average for women's representation in local government bodies. Similarly, in the JHADC elections held in 2019, women won 12 out of 30 seats. The political picture of women in Khasi society shows how the matrilineal social structure has translated into a more gender-equitable political system.

Furthermore, the Khasi culture also plays a role in protecting the rights of indigenous communities in the region. The traditional land tenure system in Khasi society, based on the concept of 'ka khaddar, gives the community collective ownership of land and resources. This has allowed the Khasi people to resist external pressures on their land and help from the state and non-indigenous communities.

In recent years, the Khasi community has been at the forefront of protests against implementing the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the proposed uranium mining project in the region. The matrilineal social structure in Khasi culture has played a significant role in shaping their collective resistance against these threats to their culture and livelihoods.

Despite the significant role of women in Khasi society, there are also limitations to their power. For example, women are not permitted to hold political positions in the traditional Khasi political system. The Syiem, who has the highest rank in Khasi society, must be male and is traditionally selected from a particular clan.

The Khasi tribe has a rich culture and traditions that have evolved over centuries. Their matrilineal social structure is unique and has been the subject of much interest and study. While it has given women a prominent place in society, it is essential to note that there are also limitations to their power. The Khasi culture is a reminder that cultural practices and beliefs shape gender roles and power dynamics.

While it is important to note that no culture is static, cultural evolution and adaptation are natural processes. Therefore, preserving a culture does not necessarily mean that it should remain unchanged. Instead, it should evolve in a way that reflects the changing needs and values of its members while still maintaining its core identity and values.

Accordingly, Khasi culture has evolved like any other culture. While the matrilineal system remains an essential aspect of Khasi culture, there have been changes and adaptations to the culture as well. For example, with the spread of Christianity in the region, there have been changes in traditional beliefs and practices. Additionally, modernization and globalization have also brought changes to Khasi culture, with younger generations adopting new lifestyles, careers, and values. Despite these changes, however, the matrilineal system remains a strong and vital part of Khasi identity and culture. This shows the culture's ability to adapt and evolve while maintaining its core values and traditions.


To summarize, the Khasi culture is a fascinating example of a matrilineal society that has maintained its distinct customs and traditions. Through practices like you Khnai Khniah and the prominent role of women in religious ceremonies, the Khasi tribe has developed a social structure that empowers women and ensures the continuity of the community. However, it is also essential to acknowledge the limitations of women's power and the need for continued efforts toward gender equality.

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