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How does the Media frame “News”?

Jim Morrison once stated, “Whoever controls the media controls the mind.”

Media is a powerful mass communication tool that provides a window into our culture. The media has a significant impact on society as a whole as well as individual lives and perceptions.

It also strongly influences thoughts and attitudes, which it achieves by deploying “frames.” Media framing refers to how news is presented and interpreted by the media and how this can shape public opinion and understanding of a particular issue or event.

Media framing involves several elements, including the selection of stories, how the story is presented, the language used to describe the level, and the images accompanying the story. By selecting which stories to cover and how to use them, media outlets can influence how people understand and respond to a particular issue or event.

For example, media framing can influence public perception of political candidates, social issues, and international events. If a media outlet chooses to focus on a particular aspect of a story, such as highlighting negative aspects of a political candidate, this can influence public opinion and potentially sway voters.

Media framing can also involve the use of specific language and imagery to shape the narrative of a story. For instance, media outlets might use emotionally charged language or images to create a particular emotional response from readers or viewers. This can influence how people perceive a specific issue or event and potentially shape their attitudes and beliefs.

Moreover, media framing can sometimes be influenced by the political leanings or biases of the media outlet. Specific news organizations may frame a story to reflect their political beliefs or agenda.

Altogether, media framing plays a significant role in shaping public opinion and understanding of news events. By being aware of media framing, individuals can become more critical consumers of news and better understand how media outlets can influence how we understand the world around us.

How do these frames affect us?

Media framing can significantly impact how different identities are portrayed and understood by society. Media outlets can shape public perception and attitudes towards identities such as race, gender, sexuality, religion, and nationality through the stories they choose and how they decide to protect them.

One way in which media can frame identity is through stereotypes. Stereotypes are generalizations about a group of people, often based on limited or inaccurate information. Media can perpetuate stereotypes by portraying individuals from specific identities in a narrow or one-dimensional way.

This can lead to harmful effects such as discrimination, prejudice, and bias. Media can also frame identity by the language they use to describe individuals from different identities.

The words chosen by media outlets can have a powerful impact on how different identities are perceived. For example, using language that labels someone as a "criminal" or "thug" can perpetuate negative stereotypes about individuals of specific racial or ethnic backgrounds.

Additionally, media framing can shape the discourse around specific issues that affect different identities. For instance, media coverage of social justice movements such as Black Lives Matter or LGBTQ+ rights can influence public perception and understanding of these issues.

How media outlets cover these stories can impact how society responds to and addresses issues of systemic oppression and discrimination.

What factors affect the framing of the news?

Several factors can influence how media frames a news story. Here are some key factors:

1. Editorial Perspective: Media outlets often have specific editorial perspectives or biases that shape how they frame news stories. These perspectives can be influenced by the outlet's ownership, political leanings, target audience, or overarching editorial agenda. The editorial perspective guides the selection, presentation, and interpretation of news stories.

2. Audience Appeal: Media outlets consider their target audience when framing news stories. They aim to attract and retain viewers, readers, or listeners by presenting stories that align with their interests, values, or preconceived notions. Framing choices may be driven by the desire to capture attention and cater to the preferences of the intended audience.

3. Commercial Pressures: Media outlets operate within a competitive landscape and face commercial pressures to attract advertising revenue or maintain profitability. These pressures can influence framing choices as outlets strive to create compelling narratives that drive audience engagement, increase viewership, or generate online clicks and shares.

4. Source Availability: The availability of sources plays a role in framing news stories. Journalists rely on seeds for information, quotes, and perspectives. The accessibility and willingness of certain authorities to provide input can shape the framing. Media outlets may rely on official statements, expert opinions, or specific interest groups for the frame, depending on source availability.

5. Journalist Interpretation: Journalists are responsible for selecting, interpreting, and presenting information within news stories. Their backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences can influence how they frame a story. Journalistic judgment, conscious or unconscious biases, and prior knowledge can shape how journalists approach and communicate facts and events.

6. Newsroom Norms and Practices: Newsrooms have norms, practices, and organizational cultures that impact how news stories are framed. These norms can include using specific storytelling techniques, adherence to certain editorial guidelines, or reliance on established news values (e.g., timeliness, proximity, impact, conflict) to determine the framing of a story.

7. News Values and Sensationalism: Media outlets often prioritize news values such as conflict, drama, novelty, or human interest to make stories more appealing to audiences. Sensationalism, the amplification of shocking or controversial aspects, can also influence framing choices to maximize attention and generate buzz.

8. Social and Political Climate: The prevailing social, cultural, and political climate can shape how media frames news stories. Public sentiment, prevailing ideologies, or societal debates can influence the framing choices as media outlets attempt to resonate with or shape public opinion.

These factors interact and influence each other, contributing to the framing decisions made by media outlets and journalists. Media consumers need to be aware of these influences and critically evaluate the framing of news stories by seeking diverse perspectives and information sources.

How does framing influence us?

Here are some ways in which media framing can influence us:

1. Shaping perception: Media framing can influence how we perceive and interpret information. The selection of certain facts, images, or perspectives can highlight specific aspects of a story while downplaying or omitting others. This can lead to a biased or one-sided view of the issue at hand, potentially shaping our perception in a particular direction.

2. Setting the agenda: Media framing can influence what issues and topics gain prominence and attention in public discourse. By highlighting individual stories and giving them more coverage, the media can shape the public agenda and determine what issues are considered essential or newsworthy. This can influence public opinion and policy priorities.

3. Creating stereotypes and biases: Media framing can perpetuate stereotypes and biases by presenting information in a way that reinforces existing beliefs or prejudices. For example, the portrayal of certain ethnic or social groups negatively or stereotypically can contribute to the formation and perpetuation of societal biases.

4. Influencing public opinion: Media framing plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion on various matters. Through the consistent presentation of information and framing choices, media outlets can influence how the public understands and responds to specific topics, events, or individuals. This influence can sway public sentiment, attitudes, and even behaviors.

5. Generating emotional responses: Media framing can evoke emotional responses from audiences. Using dramatic language, vibrant imagery, or sensationalism can generate fear, outrage, sympathy, or other emotions. These emotional reactions can shape our perceptions and judgments, influencing our attitudes and actions.

6. Determining the narrative: Media framing can shape the overall narrative surrounding a particular issue or event. How a story is framed can emphasize specific causes, effects, or solutions, influencing the public's understanding and interpretation of events. This can shape public debates and policy discussions.

7. Implications for decision-making: Media framing can impact our decision-making processes. By influencing our perceptions, opinions, and emotions, media framing can sway our choices and actions, both individually and collectively. It can affect how we vote, support policies, engage in activism, or even interact with others with different viewpoints.

As a powerful medium, the media plays a significant role in shaping perceptions and attitudes. The tactfully deployed frames influence how individuals perceive, understand, and react to these constructed events relayed through these media.

To avoid falling into the tangles of these frames, it is essential to be aware of media framing and to consume information from diverse sources to obtain a more balanced and comprehensive understanding of various issues.

Developing critical thinking skills and media literacy can help individuals recognize and analyze the influence of media framing, enabling them to form more informed opinions and make independent judgments in a landscape crowded with contradicting media frames.

Edited by- Whitney Edna Ibe

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