Among countless board games, the genre that has garnered a lot of popularity in its ability to crossover the most appealing elements of video games into real life has been “Dungeons and Dragons.” It’s a game one technically plays in their mind, with the Dungeon Master creating a setting and a campaign that a group of players will explore. It all depends on one’s imagination and ideas, which lead to every DnD party being unique in its composition and development between different settings and parties.


DnD is known worldwide; many people love this hobby and would eagerly try it out with friends or even new people. There are online sites where one can play DnD at a distance, bars where role players tend to gather, and unique venues explicitly made for different parties to play DnD. Eventually, the major city has some places dedicated to DnD with few exceptions, and it’s always a treat for fellow role players to gather together.


When it comes to London, there are some DnD communities one can find. Usually, parties gather online when the party in question isn’t already acquainted with each other. This can be done through Reddit, as a community is dedicated to helping players in London gather their parties. However, the most effective way is to enter discords. The large-scale discords of DnD players, some of which have a specific leaning like helping players in East London, are designed to get a party one likes. DM’s advertise their campaigns and one-shots on boards, allowing anyone interested in signing up. The activity levels are varied, but there are often new announcements for people to watch.


The next stage is to find a meet-up place, and some venues host DnD events. One of the most prominent ones must be Rule Zero, a bar in Stratford oriented for DnD players. The events they host include those for various types of “Dungeons and Dragons” and “Magic: The Gathering” and others. Regarding regular games, their doors are always open for independent parties to gather and have fun. Here is the overview of the place. There are other venues to pursue a game, like Bad Moon Cafe.


But it doesn’t always have to be a venue; sometimes, a good homebrew is more than enough. If you are brave enough to visit someone else’s apartment or become a host yourself, what better option than to find a party that will gather at home? A perfect choice for those on the introverted side who would want an atmosphere of comfort without any separate distractions. If everyone brings positivity, then parties like this can become a fun exercise. DnD has also grown in popularity among the younger generations of fans, with it finding a way onto University campuses in the form of a society or a club, so if one wants to have a game among their university peers, this is the place to look. 


If you’re a DnD player in London, there are certainly places for you to go, from various venues to discord servers to visiting people that would gladly host a game in their own homes. The possibilities are endless for all players. One only has to research, and one can easily find a game that suits their style and preferences.