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Decoding the Fuhrer's mind and politics before the War

Why the hatred for Jews

Contrary to popular belief the ostracisation of Jews did not begin with Hitler but was present long before the First world war. Christian fought crusades against the zionists and their practices were defamed by labelling them pagan to rouse more people to fight them. Hitler as a child truly believed in William Kaisar II's ideas of Germany being the superior country of Europe. There are various notions of his father being cruel affecting him the wrong way and a Jewish maths teacher insulting him as a kid, over the grapevine. But the most acceptable reason is that when he was studying art in Vienna the Governor was Anti Jew and Hitler was impressed by his views. When Germany lost the first world war chauvinists could hardly accept fault in William II's decisions and began blaming the jews for being spies for the allied countries. It was a period of heavy communalism with even postcards bearing images of crooked nose jews stabbing the back of German soldiers in circulation. Hitler thought the Jews were racially poor and had entered into a conspiracy with the Marxists to end the pureblood race. One can now compare him to Voldemort in his quest for a pure Aryan race and jews to mugger born magical children. Similar to the fantasy series Hitler too gained loyal followers who were allured by his charismatic nationalism. He began to work as a spy in Munich and later formed a party called the National Socialist German Labour Party. He planned a revolt against the Republic in 1923 but it was easily crushed by the government. Hitler was sentenced to five years of imprisonment of which he took full advantage by writing the Nazi Bible Mein Kampf. Call it a fruit of his hard work or sheer luck he was released within eight months.

Morals of the Nazi Bible

Hitler's programme had no stable morals but it was supposed to be the opposite of 3 things - Semitism, Bolshevism, Capitalism. So as most can guess, it was quite flexible to Hitler's political demands and required a totalitarian state. Seiburg commented, "There are to be no more human beings in Germany but only Germans. Anyone who wants to live in Germany, with Germany and through Germany is obliged to submit to the nation and to adapt themselves to the totalitarian state. Every individual life belongs not to him but the state and to the state alone." Nazizm also established a narrow, exclusive, un-Christian Christianity known as Nordic Christianity. Whatever in the Bible, in the teachings of Jesus and the Christian tradition, did not fit into the Nordic ideology was thrown overboard. Hitler was the new Saviour, he was the Masiha the vicegerent of God on earth. JA Spender wrote, "Russia has tried to extricate religion, Mussolini to sterilise it, Hitler to annex it." The basic ideas Hitler conveyed through Mein Kampf were -

  1. Jews are ethnically the lowest of the low and the Aryan population should not associate with them. They are a threat to Germany and must be dealt with by being a Nazi soldier
  2. Third Reich should be established in Germany and provinces in which the German language was spoken should be merged in it to form Greater Germany like Poland, Austria, Czech Republic and Alsace
  3. Not Germany but the allies were responsible for the First world war and Germany took part in it for the sake of your interests. So the bias in the Treaty of Versailles based on the assumption that Germany was the cause of the First world war should be levelled
  4. The idea of disarmament as propagated by the Allies should be opposed at all costs as they only want to cripple Germany
  5. England and Italy should be favoured, and with their support, France and Russia can be defeated. The fate of the other countries should be decided to keep in mind these basics.

Changes back home

After coming into power Hitler moved in the direction of fulfilling his high ambitions. On the domestic front, he imposed severe restrictions upon his opponents, gave many facilities to the common people and adopted several important measures for the economic, educational, social and industrial development of Germany his achievements in the domestic front were -

  1. First things first, he eliminated the pressure of competition by shooting all leaders of the opposition party and some idealistic members of his party for good measure. A strong autocratic government was established replacing the old Weimar Republic
  2. He passed laws depriving Jews of voting right and German citizenship. Jews of the time were mainly engaged in business and were very prosperous so he barred them from carrying on private business. As icing on the cake, he also banned them from government service. Their children could not get State education and later they were not allowed to walk on the streets
  3. He was also insecure of the Pope and so he made laws by which the Roman Catholics of Germany were deprived of the right of citizenship. Their schools were closed forever and they were not allowed to take part in the politics of the country. He was so cautious that he did not even support German citizen Martin Luther King's Protestantism in the fear of Luther getting popular
  4. Women were prohibited from working in factories, mills and offices. The maximum quota of working hours of a man was fixed at 40 hours a week. Chief centres of production were fully controlled by the government and many new industries were established to make the country self-sufficient. It might seem ironic that most of his actions were similar to the communist he abjectly hated
  5. The profession of agriculture was made hereditary and the farmers were deprived of the rights of selling and purchasing their land. Although they were rarely exploited and were mostly kept satisfied
  6. The history of Germany was rewritten and it was taught to the students that the holy German race could never be defeated. Facts about Germany's defeat in the First World War were not mentioned. Physical education was made mandatory and boys were encouraged to be soldier

Controversial foreign politics

The main point of Hitler's propaganda was the promise of avenging the defeat of Germany in the First World war. His actions revolved around making Germany the world leader. His fundamental aim was to divide the European powers among themselves and had no hesitation in making any nation his friend to fulfil his interests alluding to the much-criticised Machiavellian philosophy. In the words of Hitler, "To forge a mighty sword was the task of internal political leadership, to protect the forging and seek allies in arms was the task of foreign policy." The main decisions and policies of Hitler in international politics were -

  1. In the disarmament conference, Hitler demanded that either the restriction should be removed from the military power of Germany or the allies must also follow the policy of disarmament. When the representatives as Hitler had predicted refused to accept his demand, he declared that Germany was no longer a member of the League of Nations
  2. Now Germany needed a friend so Hitler concluded a non-aggression pact with Poland. The geographical location of Poland was strategic as it was between Germany and Russia
  3. He propagated the principle of Nazism in Austria and Nazis of the area adopted terrorist measures to increase their influence in Austria. But Dollfuss, the despotic chancellor of Austria crushed the supporters of Nazism in a very cruel way. He declared the Nazi party an illegal party and severe restrictions were imposed on the press and meetings. Later Mussolini supported Austria and since Hitler did not want war with Italy, he dropped the Austrian idea altogether
  4. England in its awkward teenage appeasement phase wanted that a liberal policy should be adopted and Germany should be allowed to re-establish her prestige. Recognising a pick-up line when he heard one, Hitler hooked up with England and a Naval pact was signed between them
  5. He also sent German Armies to the Rhineland and started the construction of fortifications. Arm Candy England supported it while the rest of the European countries were shocked
  6. After the Abyssinian war, old flame Italy and Germany were reigniting passion. Germany and Italy signed a pact by which Germany approved Italy's sway over Abyssinia and Italy granted permission to Hitler to claim Austria into the German Empire
  7. Hitler also influenced the politics of Czechoslovakia as he was jealous of its massive military power and he thought that the democratic setup of the country could threaten his internal arrangement. He made sure that after the Munich pact Czechoslovakia completely collapsed
  8. All things considered, his most famous action was the invasion of Poland, this Brutus-ly act of Hitler made England grow up and leave his side. It was the immediate cause of the Second World War and the biggest tragedy known to man.

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