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Smart Home App eeva Prepares For 2024 Spring Launch

Cofounders Adrienne Jung and Jarrod Nichol created eeva in 2022 to fill up the much needed space in lifestyle management that helps people keep every contract, to-do list, note, doctor appointment, birthday, etc. organized in the same place. This startup is currently in its active development phase and is expected to be released in Spring 2024. In the meantime, people can join their newsletter waitlist on eeva.ai which gives them early access to the app, sneak peeks and exclusives on the development process, discounts, and any eeva-related news. 


In this article, I will discuss how eeva was created, how it’s being built, why it’ll improve homelife management, and how people may join the app and support its development until the 2024 release. Eeva's goal is to ‘confront ‘chaos’ by getting rid of clutter in people’s lives and ‘create space.’ 


“It’s a lifestyle management app, more than it is just the home. You’re able to manage things for your home but we’re taking more of a holistic, 360 approach. Your home is part of your life and there are different aspects of your life,” said Jung. “You can manage as little or as much as you want from your life. Its goal is to capture the data that you deal with on a day-to-day basis, consolidate it all, and then help you make decisions.”


During the pandemic, Jung bought her first house with her family and was now having to deal with getting acclimated to the new home. This meant organizing house paperwork and, like many people at that time, working from their homes.


“When I bought my first house, there was a ton of paperwork that came with it, like who was the plumber, and every spring you had to do this particular thing, and you got to knock twice on the fridge to open the door if you wanted a random, specific stuff about that house, and it was all on paper,” said Jung. “So when I looked for something to help me manage all of the information that I deal with daily, there wasn’t anything available.”


As a result, Jung came up with the idea of the software, eeva, based on her previous work experience in business and operations and decided to collaborate with cofounder Jarrod Nichol, who she previously worked with for over two years and who also has a background in business, to create the lifestyle management app eeva. Jung stated that when looking for a co-founder, she wanted someone who complimented her pre-existing skills and that Nichol’s sales and growth skills sparked the ultimate decision.


“When Adrienne showed me the very early concept she had for eeva, I immediately saw the potential, how this brilliant solution could change how people interact with their home. I couldn’t help (but) think of all the single parents, all the new homeowners, and the people of the world who could help. I wanted to be part of making this idea a reality,” said Nichol.  “Along the way, we have met so many incredible people, and I believe now more than ever that we’re working on something the world needs and I can’t wait for everyone to experience the magic of eeva.”


eeva’s mission is to provide comfort and create balance and organization in people’s lives. These themes are reflected throughout the company as well, including their annual blackout period. Every year, everyone within the company takes a much needed break at the same time to rejuvenate and come back better than before. 


“In the team that I’ve put together, I value innovation and creativity. It’s to stay relevant in the tech industry. You don’t have a choice but to innovate and find creative ways (of) doing things that make you stand out,” said Jung. “Having an annual blackout gives everybody permission to disconnect, knowing that everybody is disconnected.”


The purpose of the blackout period was to give people time to recharge their batteries after a long day of work so that they could return their full attention to developing new strategies for eeva. This blackout is different from having a vacation because everyone is on break at the same time and there won’t be a pile of backlog work that employees will have to catch up on.


“After the annual blackout, a few days after people are back at work, after they’ve had a chance to catch up on stuff, we have an all-day strategy session where people come to the event and they brainstorm based on the ideas they might have thought of during their time off and that’s always super successful,” said Jung.


This year, after the blackout period, the eeva team was able to participate in conferences like the 2023 Collision Conference in Toronto, Canada, and the Dobson International Investor Roadshow where they got a chance to meet people who could potentially invest in their company, help them start their app software development and prepare for their 2024 launch. They have been gearing up for the app launch by searching for new additions to the eeva team, fundraising, finalizing the development process, preparing for the beta-testing, and making sure ‘everything is aligning.’


“We had such a great response,” said Jung after the 2023 Collision Conference. “We got so many people added to the waitlist. The validation from the industry was amazing. It was a great experience and we hope to do it again next year.”


Collision Conference is an annual tech event that spans over a few days and brings individuals and companies within the technology industry together where they get access to content about multiple topics and issues related to technology and innovation, roam booths featuring start-up companies, and listen to industry expert speakers. Some examples of this year’s topic were artificial intelligence (AI), creating a sustainable future, exploring social media success, and the latest media and marketing trends.


Also, in September 2023, eeva was selected as one of the businesses to participate in the Dobson International Investor Roadshow that would allow them to pitch in front of panelists from all over the world. This program was designed to help businesses raise capital while building international partnerships and getting introduced to international markets. eeva is currently going through the workshops and bootcamp for the Dobson International Investor Roadshow and will start the international tour in January 2024. 


“Creating something from just an idea is no easy process, but we have some of the best partners, mentors, and advisors you could imagine. Every single day I learn something new, and Adrienne is the best co-founder you could ask for,” said Nichol. “For all the long hours, we always make sure we stay focused on our core mission and try to have as much fun as possible along the way. The journey has been one I will never forget. For anyone thinking of starting a company, know that each day is a struggle and a fight, but the rewards are worth the effort.  I am so glad to be part of something as special as eeva.”


Since then, eeva has continued their app development to include scanning technology, an intelligent virtual assistant, and AI features. eeva is opting for a Spring 2024 release after they have completed beta testing with people who have signed up for the waitlist. People can join their waitlist which is in the form of a newsletter and can watch relevant content that could be super helpful to their audience. Furthermore, this newsletter will continue past the app’s release and will still provide updates on any eeva-related content. 


“We have quite a community of fans. We think that there's a lot to learn and a lot to be gained in the area of home management. So we are not going to stop the conversation just because we’ve launched. If anything, we are going to crank it up,” said Jung. 


In conclusion, eeva provides individuals with a system that will create a personalized database, organize, and notify people of documents, contracts, and appointments that will help improve and maintain people’s lifestyle management. Joining the eeva waitlist is a way that people can stay updated on the process of development and lead up to the app’s launch in Spring 2024.


Images provided by eeva

Edited by Whitney Edna Ibe

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