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Javier Milei Is The New President Of Argentina

Ricardo Paulino

The far-right-wing candidate has won the second leg elections last Sunday defeating his opponent Sergio Massa with 11 points of advantage.

With 99% of the votes counted, the winner of the electoral contest obtained 56% of votes, around 14.5 million to be exact. While his opponent (Massa) obtained just over 11.5 million in favour, which means 44% of the voters.

Javier Milei will take office as the next president of the Argentine Republic on December 10, having as his main political tool the privatization of state companies and liberalism as his main ally. He promised a “tough fiscal adjustment” in the coming months, adopting mechanisms to stop the inflation that Argentina is experiencing and reduce extreme poverty rates.

In turn, Milei wants to “dynamite the Central Bank” after mentioning it repeatedly in interviews and during the closing of his electoral campaign, once he achieves victory in the Presidential Elections, highlighting that he wants to use the US dollar as legal currency in the country., and put an end to the different types of rate changes and speculation that currently exist against the Argentine peso.

 “The Lion,” as the new president is known, promised to reduce the ministries that exist in the executive branch and close the central bank, which in his opinion, “is only there to print banknotes and generate inflation.” Milei's victory has made the Argentine stock market grow by more than 22%, since it generates confidence for foreign investors and opens the way for transnational companies to do business.


Who is Javier Milei?

He is a 53-year-old economist, politician and university professor who became known by participating as an analyst on economic affairs on national television programs. His peculiar way of being earned him a position in Argentine prime time, attracting everyone's attention. He claims to have 5 English mastiff dogs, and he calls 4 of them the names of the economists he most admires: Milton (Freidman), Murray (Rothbard), Robert and Lucas (after the American Nobel Prize winner).

 “I did not come to guide lambs; I came to awaken lions.” The politician who is in the world press and in the trending topics of social networks also considers himself liberal, and firmly believes in the free market and private enterprise, which for him are responsible for generating an optimal climate in finance. of the State and in the growth of society.

For months he has said that his position is very clear "in favour of Israel, the United States and the free world", also pointing out that he supports Ukraine in the war against Russia, and that his first official visit will be in Jerusalem, capital of the State of Israel, Milei emphasized.




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