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Meteor Spotted in Turkey

A meteor was spotted beaming across the night sky in Ezerum, Turkey, in the early hours of Saturday, September 2nd of this year. Videos have circulated concerning what appears to be a meteorite flying across the sky in a blaze of green as it hits the earth’s atmosphere.


In the most viral of the videos, shared on TikTok, a child is shown playing with a balloon at a playground, when a strange flash of light and something moving swiftly across the cloudy night sky burns the clouds green, and then red (Sky News, Tiktok, September 2023). The video truly captures a phenomenal moment, as you can clearly see the almost-shooting star transcend the sky and hurtle toward the earth, as children play on in the foreground. The video has been spectacularly shown the shower of light, while other people found more footage from neighbouring towns and provinces that display the same type of video.


The footage was taken in Ezerum on a playground when the assumed meteorite was spotted, where you can see the fiery rock from space careening towards the earth’s surface. The moment the meteor flies across the sky is reminiscent of sci-fi movies, and it is hard to believe with your own eyes that this was taken on coincidence.


The video started circulating on social media, such as TikTok and Twitter, as many people could not believe what they were seeing. Everyone was in awe of how a spectacular moment like this was captured on camera by accident. 


Another video showed up amongst the commotion, of someone who had caught the meteorite from a different angle on a dash cam taken in Gumushane Province, Turkey. It was determined the meteorite fell to Earth at 20:15 local time to the province (Marca, September 2023).


The sky flares up in green across the black background, and no doubt must be the same meteorite behind the playground, as the driver continues down the dark road in the middle of the night on Saturday (CNN, September 2023).


This sighting comes only weeks after the Perseid meteor shower that occurred between 17th July and 19th August this year, and was expected to be the most active of the showers to occur in 2023 (Alarabiya News, September 2023).


According to National Geographic, the appearance of a ‘shooting star’ is due to the gases in the atmosphere, which is why the sky lit up so brightly as it came crashing to Earth. There have been over 60,000 meteorites discovered on Earth, so we will need to wait for this one to be assessed to determine more about this phenomenon (The National Geographic, 2023). Social media eagerly awaits further details on the rock, its whereabouts, and how it turned up without warning to emblazon the sky emerald so fast.

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