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Myanmar Soldiers Flee To India After Withstanding Attacks

Several Myanmar soldiers entered Indian territory after facing attacks from insurgents. The rebels in Myanmar have stepped up their attacks against the ruling party. Earlier this week, over 40 Myanmar soldiers entered India through a border crossing near the northeastern state of Mizoram. A majority of those soldiers returned via a different crossing a few kilometres east. 


Myanmar military officials and the Indian foreign ministry declined comments on the matter. 


The Myanmar military has battled with ethnic insurgencies for decades. However, the 2021 military coup has brought intense cooperation among anti-military forces. These forces pose an immense threat to existing military rule.


All Myanmar officials with military training and expertise are requested to be on guard if a conflict starts in the region. Tin Muang Swe, secretary of an administrative council at Naypayitaw, stated that the military faced heavy assault in several locations. 


The junta council commented, "If a requirement of this unit is to go out and serve natural disasters and security,'' Tin Muang Swe has attested to the comment and stressed that the situation in the capital is calm. In a statement to Reuters, he says, “This is the plan to help in the event of an emergency."


A faction of pro-democracy politicians has initiated a “Road to Nayppyitaw” campaign. It aims at gaining control of the capital.


Junta spokesperson Zaw Min Tun commented that the military is facing attacks in the northeast of Shan State, Kayah in the east, and Rakhine in the west. 


While insurgents were dropping bombs on military posts, several other posts were being evacuated. 


Southeast Asian Neighbours Concerned

Lalmalsawma Hnamte, a state official from the northeastern state of Mizoram, commented that previously, 29 Myanmar soldiers entered the state via the Chin state. They accessed Indian territory from the Tuibal military base. The paramilitary border guard force handled the Myanmar soldiers.


Arindam Bagchi, a spokesperson for the Indian Foreign Ministry, states that New Delhi is concerned over the recent attacks in Myanmar. New Delhi agrees that the violence should cease. Dialogue can help resolve the conflict. 


Several Southeast Asian neighbours have demanded talks of peace with Myanmar. However, the generals have ignored these demands.

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