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Protests Erupt in Germany After AfD Meets About Implementing Deportation Plan

Protests calling for the ban of the far-right party, Alternative for Germany (AfD), have gone on since January 10 after the party met to discuss a plan to deport foreign-born German nationals. The plan to send “unassimilated citizens” to a model state in Africa was compared by many to the initial Nazi plan to send European Jewish people to Madagascar. 


The gathering, held outside Potsdam on November 25, focused on discussing the mass deportation of migrants, asylum seekers, and German citizens considered to have failed to integrate. The revelation, brought to light by Correctiv on January 10, included a presentation by Martin Sellner, the Austrian leader of the ethno-nationalist Identitarian movement. He outlined the logistics of mass deportation, referred to as "remigration" in far-right circles in presence of AfD politicians and members of other right-wing parties


Not only citizens, but organizations, religious and communal, and football clubs are also voicing their concerns. Various trainers of football clubs have said “Never again is now!” and maintains that whoever stays silent now, has not understood the severity of the AfD's reach.


The Catholic bishops overseeing East Germany have collectively voiced apprehension in a united plea."Many people no longer understand political decisions. They are insecure, angry and afraid of social decline. This must not lead us to allow ourselves to be taken over by populist statements and seemingly simple solutions," says a letter from the bishops.


The AfD has remained steady in polls, currently polling at 23% making it the second most popular party in Germany. Politicians have suggested calling on the constitutional court to ban the AfD, but most agree that this would simply fuel support for the far-right party. The obstacles to imposing a ban are significant, and the party may benefit by presenting itself as a victim of the establishment.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock joined a protest against far-right extremism in Potsdam. Under the motto “Potsdam is defending itself,” Potsdam Mayor Mike Schubert (SPD) called for the meeting to show that a plan to expel millions of people from Germany “does not belong in our society.”

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