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The final days of Marilyn Monroe and her mysteries

 Marilyn Monroe was a great American singer and actress. One of the most famous figures and a Hollywood star, she is one of the biggest sexy symbols of the 20th century, eternalized by her beautiful blonde hair and her statuesque body. Considered one of the most beautiful women in history, the iconic actress participated in several films, including the most prominent one, "Sin Lives Next Door", in which she wore the famous flowing white dress.

But Marilyn Monroe is not only known for being an icon of the last century and pop culture but she is also known for her mysterious death and her many theories and investigations. In 1962 she was found dead on her bed, with her hand on her phone, and an empty pill bottle beside her. The official cause of death was an overdose of sleeping pills, but many questions are still being asked about a fatal accident, suicide, or even murder. 

In 1961, Marilyn Monroe divorced Arthur Miller, which was her third and last marriage. It was during this marriage that she suffered from abortions, excessive drug use, and also health problems such as depression, anxiety, and endometriosis, among others. At the end of that same year, Marilyn decided to move out of New York where she had lived for almost ten years, and returned to her hometown, Los Angeles. 

In May 1962, on the 19th in New York City, the actress and singer took a break from her work to give one of her most famous performances in history. She sang "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" for the then-American president John Kennedy. And from that day on, one of the biggest rumors in Hollywood was created, the supposed love affair between the actress and former President JFK, who was married at the time. The rumors were such that a movie was created depicting this supposed romance, called "Blonde".

Time passed, and her health conditions were still a concern for the actress, delaying the recording of "Something's Got to Give", but in the end, the work was not made because Marilyn was fired. Fox claims it was because of her drug addiction, her lack of professionalism, and the belief that the actress was mentally disturbed. But everything was renegotiated with Fox and Marilyn Monroe was prepared to overcome the difficulties and take off her career again, but this was days before her death.

She died on August 4, 1962, a Saturday at her home in Los Angeles. Hours before, it was reported that Marilyn went upstairs to her room and made several phone calls before going to sleep. At 3:30 in the morning, the maid woke up feeling a bad feeling and went to check on the actress. Ralph Greenson, her doctor, asked the maid to look through her bedroom window to see if everything was okay, but when he saw that she was lying face down on the bed clinging to the phone, he asked her to come over urgently. Greenson soon arrived and found that Marilyn was already dead. Days later, the American police said that her death was a suicide. The dosage of the substance in her organism was very high, ruling out the possibility of something accidental. 

But because of his great fame, several conspiracy theories appeared along with his death. Most of them claim that his death was not a simple overdose, but a murder. One of the best-known theories has a relationship with the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), claiming that the agency is the main suspect and killed Monroe. The main reason would be that the Kennedy brothers (John Kennedy and Bob Kennedy) had discussed several state secrets with the actress, being a risk to the United States.

There are two versions that conspiracy theorists faithfully believe that the icon was killed on Bob Kennedy's orders.  One says that Bob would have declared that Merilyn was a "card-carrying communist" because of her union with Arthur Miller, a believer in the ideology. And since she knew a lot of things and even secrets because of her great friendship with President John Kennedy and even Bob Kennedy himself, she would be a threat, a danger to the American government. The second one states that Bob Kennedy would have Monroe killed for fear that the affair he had with the actress (another rumor that the two brothers had an affair with her), would be exposed in the media and harm his political career and his personal life because at the time he was also married.

The theories created by the public and people who followed the actress took such a big proportion and came with such force, that the Los Angeles police decided at the time to do all the investigation again about Marilyn Monroe's death in 1982. But not enough evidence was found to support it, so the investigation was closed. But it doesn't mean that everything has been clarified, because until today this subject is on the rise and curiosity arouses many people.

Much is speculation, but the fact is that Merilyn's life was not a Hollywood spectacle. Shows, drugs, fame, loneliness, and the Kennedy brothers, are just parts of what she's been through. And the documentary "The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe", which is on Netflix with never-before-seen footage, tells in detail about her troubled life and proves a lot about the possible conspiracies about her death.

Edited by: Palak Chauhan


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