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Away from lockdown

Why simple detection screening tests and sanitizer stands don't work


The government has come up with an initiative to make it mandatory to have a screening test introduced in public places like malls. In my personal opinion, I have not yet detected what these screening tests truly detect, and the sanitizer stands in the corner of the entrance pump out the liquid. They don't protect us from corona if we get in touch with a positive patient. Wearing a mask, sanitizing, and still unaware or negligently being nearby a covid patient only increases your chance of being the victim of the fatal virus. We need something beyond just these namesake sanitizer stands and detectors to combat the virus.


How to tackle the corona situation? 


Making tests mandatory in public places has to be on the to-do list! Airlines have already taken submission of test reports by passengers willing to travel compulsory. People who tested positive are alarmed by quarantine. Post traveling to a place, one has to isolate themselves for a while. This strategy can be implemented in a wider sense by adjusting changes at our convenience. 'No test, no entry' should be the agenda for being eligible to get access to certain places for the time being. Which places are unavoidable and can be prone to having the crowd in massive numbers? I can think of temples, restaurants, malls, etc. Yes, you may suggest a complete shutdown which affects the businesses and the owners are a massive hit, steeping in losses. The government should ease the pressure on these shops by allowing only people with negative reports to enter their premises.


The asymptomatic spread


The "no symptoms but virus carriers" are harmful. Instructing for reports even for entry into malls and restaurants may sound silly but it can boost the numbers of people getting tested. With/without symptoms when they are given the requirements of getting tested, it enables finding the asymptomatic cases. Encouraging tests will make people aware and immediate precautions can be taken.


Cases continue to grow despite tests, why? 


Negligence is the loud, blatant answer to it. Not wearing a mask the right way is as harmful as not wearing a mask at all. The social distancing norms aren't followed. Eventually, the rule-breakers become the virus carriers continuing the chain of positive cases.


Making tests a must surges risks of forgery


Unauthentic reports submission, forgery of documents have to be traced down to burst the rackets entertaining and involving in such activities. Stringent punishments, including an immediate test in a government hospital, making them recite social distancing measures should be promoted. Those who tested positive should update the Arogya Setu app to alert people in the location to be safe. 


A covid stamp

A covid stamp as suggested by Chetan Bhagat in an article published in the Times of India is a reasonable idea to implement. When not tagged a few people continue the severity by careless negligence causing shooting deaths, lack of oxygen cylinders, and insufficient beds in hospitals. People who tested positive still roam around! That gives us a potent reason for introducing tags. 


A government portal 

An official govt to help and coordinate donors and recipients of plasma, it should launch oxygen cylinders in different states as per requirements. An unofficial NGO taking this responsibility may lead to the black market and smuggling of medicines like observed recently; there's a risk of diversion and selling for exorbitant amounts. Those who can extend help will approach patients and help. These operations have to be made transparent, showing the projects done. 


Spread awareness 

How to practice social distancing?

How do you isolate yourself when you have symptoms?

When to get admitted to a hospital? 


Follow and share the information only from authentic sources issued by qualified personalities! 


Abide by rules and stay at home if you don't want another lockdown. With the decision of another lockdown doing rounds, people are preparing to confine to homes. Staying at home by refraining from unnecessary visits will work if we don't wish to have another economic crash, life tragedy, and helpless fates surf. 


Image by krustovin august from Pixabay

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