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Witness the Best of Humanity: Rescuing a Seal.

St Ives, a town in Cornwall, is home to a large population of seals along its seaside. It makes it an ideal location for capturing beautiful and natural wildlife photos.

 In recent years, locals in Cornwall have expressed concern about the amount of garbage found in the waters off the beaches. Sea creatures are being greatly affected by daily disturbances. It is common to see plastic bags in fish gills or debris tangled around a seagull's leg.

The significant impact of waste disposal in our waters is reducing the chances of seeing many famous sea creatures breeding in the near future. Without taking action to address global warming, it is difficult to predict what the future will hold. We are constantly reminded of this topic and must face it together.

In St. Ives, a seal became trapped in a lost hoop at sea. The town's residents came together to aid the seal by constructing a netted enclosure to swim into.
Additionally, one person nourished the seal while it was in the pen. The hoop was safely removed from the seal's body without causing any harm.

There is a heartwarming story that demonstrates how humans can unite and accomplish incredible feats, even for the benefit of animals and sea creatures. It has captured the attention of the world and touched our hearts.

Here is a relevant quote to consider:

"You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make."
 ―  Jane Goodall

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