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A Call For Intentional Growth In 2024

As the world collectively awaited the new year and prepared for the countdown from the last 10 seconds of 2023 which began and ushered us into the new year–2024. The clock struck at midnight and there was a sense of hope, high expectations, and desire for a collective search for new beginnings in the air. Year after year, as the new year approaches many people set out on the annual task of setting New Year’s resolutions. These are goals that are set with the intention of change and growth. We set these resolutions as promises to ourselves to hit the gym, learn a new skill, or set off on a personal journey of self-discovery and growth. But as the loud sound and crack of the fireworks subsided, the multi-coloured confetti settled and the cheering came to a halt many people came to the realisation that the dreams and aspirations set out in their New Year's resolutions were no longer just dreams but their reality in the now new year. We must take some time to redefine our intentions for the new year, and the resolutions that go with it. Instead of jumping straight into the deep end with our New Year’s resolutions, we can take a doable approach, by setting achievable goals and taking action step by step rather than an unrealistic leap which will end in us being unmotivated and not staying consistent.

We live in a world where the tradition of setting New Year’s resolutions is deeply rooted in our society—it's seen as a symbolic agreement with ourselves to embrace change and improvement. But the statistics on the success rates tell a different story, as we all know that many people abandon their New Year resolutions when the reality hits them and the busy of work life starts and the fun festive time ends in the first few weeks of January, leaving many with lingering feelings of frustration and self-criticism. 

As we settle into the new year we must move away from the rigid constraints of traditional measures and embrace a holistic approach to deliberate self-improvement, be it personal, professional, or spiritual.  The past two years have personally shown the importance of flexibility and setting small achievable goals to help maintain motivation and consistency. Instead of setting rigid goals and aspirations, we must view them as challenges to grow, learn, and explore our deeper potential in our personal, professional, and spiritual lives. 

Firstly, we should turn our attention away from society’s opinions and inward towards our fulfillment and joy. We should never make decisions based on societal expectations or external pressures, as this can harm our personal, professional, or spiritual growth. Instead, we should delve into our core values ​​and aspirations and find peace and joy in our fulfillment. It is important to nurture what brings us joy, purpose, and satisfaction. Making sure to align our goals with our mentality to ensure that our journey of growth is based on true motivation.

Secondly, being in your 20’s can teach an individual a lot and one of the most important things is to wholeheartedly embrace the idea of ​​continuous growth and to do this we should set small and achievable goals and milestones and celebrate every step. This is important because we as people are always evolving, and self-improvement should be viewed and understood as a journey that continues regardless of age and stage in life. Once we view self-improvement as a continuous journey, we will understand that it should not be seen as a race with a single set finish line but rather a journey of continuous effort and learning with ups and downs. Instead of having a passing or failing mentality, which can hurt our growth, we should celebrate all our achievements no matter how big or small as this journey has its challenges, therefore perseverance is a key character trait needed on the journey of self-improvement and growth. 

Furthermore, this year we should make it a priority to prioritize our overall well-being, which includes our mental and physical health. It is crucial that instead of just dwelling on physical appearance or measurable achievements alone, we should expand on the definition of success to include mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions as success can look very different for different people and different stages of life. Developing a sense of balance and harmony in our lives contributes to a sustainable and satisfying journey of self-development. 

We live in a world full of uncertainties, and as we navigate these uncertainties we also learn the power of community and unity. This helps to encourage different aspects of growth. Socially or professionally connecting with people with similar aspirations or career goals creates a sense of support, accountability, and shared purpose. Whether through mentoring, group activities, or digital communities, the energy of collective encouragement adds to our growth journey. 

Another important thing we need to consider on the journey of self-development is self-compassion. This is important because life is a journey of ups and downs. Therefore, we must understand and accept that setbacks are inevitable. We should not see these setbacks as failures but embrace them as opportunities to learn and grow. Self-compassion allows us to be understanding and not self-critical as we continue on a journey of self-development and growth. 

Many people set some New Year’s resolutions; to balance their lives and introduce some new healthy habits. They should set small achievable goals and milestones inorder to create and maintain good habits and create space for growth. Many people will want to focus on their writing, education, and personal, professional, and spiritual growth. All of this is important because we as people want to see differences and changes in our personal, professional, and spiritual lives. Soon many people will transition from student to professional and therefore need to learn to balance work, school, and life.  

As we turn the pages of 2024, may we break away from the chains of pressure-driven decision-making and embrace a fluid, deliberate approach to growth. Let our commitment to ourselves this year be a beautiful journey—to examine ourselves, celebrate progress, and express the intentional, continuous beauty of progress. In doing so, we transcend the limits of decisions and enter a path toward a more authentic and fulfilled life.



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